Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A farewell Tribute from theYSA

Our Youth put on a farewell tribute for us as they do for all the Senior Missionary couples that come and go. Our night was very special. Our Youth prepared and put on this skit that perfectly describes what we learned and how we grew.

Traditional Ukrainian Dinner Prepared By Our Youth

Our last Sunday and our last Council Dinner. We prepared dinner for them and they prepared a dinner for us. What  a  great night we had, reminiscing, talking, laughing, loving, none of us wanted the evening  to end. Many tears were shed and much love filled the room. It will be a lasting memory in my mind forever. 

Last Weeks of Our Mission

The last weeks of our mission have come and gone.  What a wonderful experience and opportunity we have had to  be on a mission in Kharkov Ukraine. We came with high expectations but we didn't really know what to expect. We have left with our buckets overflowing. We hope that we have been the kind of missionaries our Lord sent us to be. I know  that we have left gaining the most. Our Beloved Youth have made a deep impression upon our hearts that will remain there forever.